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Tamkeen Technologies Obtains License to Provide Digital Government Business

Tamkeen Technologies Obtains License to Provide Digital Government Business

23 Mar 2023




The Digital Government Authority (DGA) has issued the third package of general interim licenses for digital government business to 5 companies, namely Tamkeen Technologies, Saudi Electronic Information Exchange Company (Tabadul), National Housing Company, Masdar Data Solutions, and Tatweer Educational Technologies.

DGA also issued several special licenses to develop and operate 7 existing digital government platforms and products including Fasah for the Saudi Electronic Information Exchange Company (Tabadul), Mufid, Masdar Aamali, Akeed and Reports for Masdar Data Solutions, Manar for Tamkeen Technologies, and Authentication for Tatweer Company for Educational Technologies. These platforms and products follow 4 government agencies, namely (the Ministry of Education, Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority, General Organization for Social Insurance, and Technical and Vocational Training Corporation).

DGA explained that these licenses are one of the outputs of the Regulatory Sandbox for Digital Government Business initiative, which was launched in November 2021, through which DGA seeks to raise the efficiency and quality of digital platforms, provide pioneering digital services to beneficiaries, improve the investment environment to support entrepreneurs, in addition to strengthening partnership between the public and private sectors and accelerating the growth of the digital economy to achieve the strategic directions of the digital government, and the objectives of the Kingdom's Vision 2030.

It is noteworthy that in 2022, DGA issued the first and second packages of interim licenses for digital government business to (5) companies and (26) digital platforms and products.

Tamkeen Technologies is a government entity specializing in information technology. It was built and developed by Saudi intelligent minds, who are passionate about empowering future technology, and consider the Saudi Vision 2030 as the motivation behind their ambition. We design innovative solutions to ease digital transformation in government and private organizations, through adopting the leading technologies and increasing value from our strategic partnerships.